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Your best defense against severe weather is to be both prepared and informed. That’s why the National Weather Service and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) annually promote Severe Weather Awareness Week in Iowa.

Each day of the week focuses on one topic. Monday’s subject is lightning. Lightning is the most common thunderstorm hazard, striking the U.S. 25 million times each year. Annually, lightning kills about 20 people in the U.S., with hundreds more severely injured. Remember, when thunder roars, go indoors or when you see a flash, dash inside!

Tornadoes are the focus on Tuesday. On average, 50 tornadoes are recorded in Iowa each year. The least likely thunderstorm hazard also carries the greatest potential impact. This is why every tornado warning should be taken seriously.

Wednesday’s topic is preparedness. The statewide tornado drill at 10 a.m. on March 26 will start with a special weekly test of NOAA Weather Radio, and this is a great time for Iowans to practice their severe weather plans at home, work or school.

Hail and wind safety are Thursday’s topics. Severe thunderstorms are defined as containing wind gusts of 58 mph or higher and/or hail of 1-inch diameter or greater. Although occurrences can be any month of the year, they most typically occur from April through July.

Finally, Friday’s focus is flash floods, which are the leading cause of severe weather-related deaths. Anytime you encounter flooding, remember “turn around, don’t drown.”

Taking time during Severe Weather Awareness Week to review your plans will make you weather ready as we head into Iowa’s severe weather season.