To contact your Director, please send the cooperative an email via the Contact Us page.
Julie Kiley

District 1
Julie Kiley
Represents Beaver, Des Moines, Sugar Grove, Grant, east half of Spring Valley and sections 1-3 and 10-12 of Washington Township in Dallas County.
Jim Mazour

District 2
Jim Mazour
Represents Linn, Union, south third of Lincoln and south third plus sections 13-15 and 22-24 of Washington Township in Dallas County. Southeast corner with sections 1-2 of Jackson and sections 11-14 and 23-24 of Penn Township in Guthrie County.
Ron Bristle

District 3
Ron Bristle
Assistant Secretary/Treasurer
Represents east Lake Panorama excluding the 5200s on Panorama Point and Panorama Terrace, all 5300s and 5400s in Cass Township in Guthrie County.
Michael Moore

District 4
Michael Moore
Represents West Lake Panorama in Victory 80-31 in Guthrie County.
Don Schwartz

District 5
Don Schwartz
Represents Dallas, west one-half of Spring Valley, north two-thirds of Lincoln, and sections 4-9 and 16-21 of Washington Townships in Dallas County. Dodge Richland, east two-thirds of Highland, north two-thirds of Cass Townships in Guthrie County. Greenbriar and Washington Townships in Greene County.
Steve Bireline

District 6
Steve Bireline

Represents Baker, Thompson, Stuart, south one tier of Valley, south one tier of Jackson excluding southeast corner with sections 1-2, east one-half of Grant, south six tiers of Beaver, and sections 7-10, 15-22, 25-27 and 34-36 of Pen Townships in Guthrie County.
Jason Fett

District 7
Jason Fett

Represents Cameron, Viola, Leroy, Melville, north one-half of Hamlin, north one-half of Greeley Townships in Audubon County. Orange, Union, Seeley, west one-third of Highland, and sections 1-13, 24-25, 36 of Bear Grove Townships in Guthrie County.
Joni Rees

District 8
Joni Rees
Vice President
Represents Victory, excluding West Lake Panorama, south seven tiers of Cass excluding East Lake Panorama except the 5200s on Panorama Point and Panorama Terrace, all 5300s and 5400s, north six tiers of Valley, north four tiers of Jackson, and north one tier of Beaver Townships in Guthrie County.
Andrew Van Aernam

District 9
Andrew Van Aernam
Represents Summit Township in Adair County, Exira, Audubon, south one-half of Hamlin, south one-half of Greeley Townships in Audubon County. Benton and Grant Townships in Cass County. Sections 14-23 and 26-35 of Bear Grove, west one-half of Grant Townships in Guthrie County.
Guthrie County REC is governed by a nine member board of directors.
Directors are elected by the membership each year at the Annual Meeting held in January.
Directors are cooperative members and reside within the district they represent.
The board meets monthly to set policies and review the operations of the cooperative.
Directors serve staggered three-year terms, with three of the nine districts electing directors at the Annual Meeting on a rotating basis.
The map below represents each board director's district.
Current Board of Directors pictured with Cozy Nelsen, CEO