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April doesn’t just signal the arrival of spring; it’s also the month we get to celebrate our linemen! If you use electricity, you already have so much to be thankful for. This month we encourage you to also show appreciation to our linemen who often work in challenging conditions to power our lives safely and reliably. 

In recognition of Lineman Appreciation Day April 11, I thought I’d share some interesting facts about the work they do.

Fact 1: The work can be heavy, in more ways than one. Did you know the equipment and tools that a lineman carries while climbing a utility pole can weigh up to 50 pounds? That’s the same as carrying six gallons of water. Speaking of utility poles, linemen are required to climb poles ranging anywhere from 30 to 120 feet tall!

Fact 2: Linemen must be committed to their career because it’s not just a job, it’s a lifestyle. The long hours and ever-present danger take a toll. In fact, being a lineman is consistently listed in the top 10 most dangerous jobs in the U.S.

Fact 3: While the job does not require a college degree, it does require technical skills, years of training and hands-on learning. Journeyman lineman must complete more than 7,000 hours of training (or about four years). Working with high-voltage equipment requires specialized skills, experience and an ongoing mental toughness. Shortcuts are not an option, and there is no room for error in this line of work.

Our linemen understand the importance of the job to the communities we serve, across all 1,403 miles of line, six Iowa counties and nearly 6,000 meters. So, the next time you see a Guthrie Co. REC lineman, please thank them for the work they do to keep power flowing, regardless of the time of day or weather conditions. Afterall, linemen are the power behind your power. Please join us as we recognize them on April 11!


By: Cozy Nelsen, CEO for Guthrie County REC