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If you’ve ever stepped foot in the Mary J. Barnett Memorial Library in Guthrie Center, then you’ve probably seen the efforts of Rebecca Carico’s volunteering in action. From purchasing technology and equipment to raising money for building remodeling and even making crucial financial and staffing decisions – Carico has done it all for more than
30 years.

In August, Guthrie County REC proudly presented a $250 check to Carico and the Friends of the Mary J. Barnett Memorial Library in appreciation for her concern and passion for the community.

Love for reading inspires action
Carico grew up on a farm in rural Guthrie Center. As a child, her mother took her to the library each summer to encourage her love for reading. After moving away from town after high school and getting married, Carico found herself wanting to return to Guthrie Center and start her family.

“I wanted to make sure that there were things available for our two girls growing up, just like my mom did for me,” she says. “The only way to make things happen in a small town is to have volunteers who are willing to stand up and make an effort. I have an opportunity each day to keep our community active and viable.”

According to Sarah Sheeder, Carico’s daughter who is a member of Guthrie County REC, Carico has been an active participant in the daily activities of the library and has been monumental in its success.

“She can always be seen lending a helping hand. She even waters and repots the library’s indoor plants in the winter, as well as landscapes and plants trees in the summer,” Sheeder adds.

This year, Carico has been working with the library’s new director to raise money for a digital sign that will face a major highway. This sign will feature the library’s name, event information, hours and more.

“This is the first big project we have taken on in the most recent history,” Carico says. “I’m excited about it. We need to get people to start talking about the library.”

Library board leadership
In addition to being a Friend of the Library member and a regular library volunteer, Carico is also one of five members of the library board. In this role, she dedicates many hours of her time to ensuring the continued success of the library. When the new facility was constructed 22 years ago, she had a part in determining how the library would acquire the necessary funds.

“We had to raise $1 million for our new building,” Carico says. “We just kept working and working until we got it done, which took us 10 years. It’s one of those things where you just don’t ever quit, and eventually you’ll make it work. This community wasn’t used to donating that much money to a project, but they found out they could do it. There’s been a lot of things happening since, and it has been exciting to see.”

Expansive community impact
Carico’s volunteer résumé doesn’t end there. In fact, she has been an active member of the Guthrie Center community for more than 50 years. She has volunteered and/or donated to organizations including Main Street Guthrie Center, 4-H, Girl Scouts, Guthrie Center Swim Team, Guthrie Center Booster Club, Wounded Warrior Project and JAYCEEs, to name a few.

“There’s no way I could list all the places my mom has volunteered at over the years,” Sheeder says. “She has always been very passionate about her community and helping those who may be less fortunate.”

Pictured above, from left to right: Jerri Hawkins, Library Director; Cozy Nelsen, CEO, Guthrie County REC; Rebecca Carico and Sarah Sheeder.


By: Zach Finn, a contributor to Iowa Electric Cooperative Living magazine